About Us


If you are looking for honest and reliable Draper Auto Repair, our team of mechanics are here to help! Here are links to some of our most popular auto services: Brake RepairOil Change. Give us a call for all of your auto servicing and preventative maintenance needs. So if you are looking for a Auto Repair in Draper, UT, call us today to learn more about how we can help you.

Denny’s Auto Inc

Purpose: Connect people to what is important in their lives by providing convenient, trustworthy & friendly solutions to their automotive needs

Vision: To be the most trusted, service oriented and sustainable automotive service provider offering a level of excellence that exceeds all other options for our guests and team members

Core Values

    1. Honesty – Uphold it always. Tell the truth and be genuine.
    2. Family – Put people first. Treat everyone, guests, teammates and vendors as family.
    3. Integrity – Own your actions, honor your word, always do what you know is right

Strategic Anchors

    1. Deliver on our promises
    2. Transparency always
    3. Make things fun & make every interaction an ideal outcome


    1. Do the right thing: Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to do the right thing in every action you take and in every decision you make, even when no one’s looking. Always tell the truth. Honor commitments made, speak the truth and do what you say.
    2. “Bring it” every day: Make the most of every day by approaching every task with energy, focus, purpose and enthusiasm. Maximize your contribution by being the most effective possible.
    3. Check the ego at the door: Ego and personal agendas must never get in the way of what is best for Denny’s Auto. Being concerned with who gets credit, who looks good or who looks bad is counterproductive. Make every decision based solely on what will advance Denny’s Auto’s goals.
    4. Execute Quality: Make quality personal in everything you touch and everything you do. From the way you answer the phone to the way you repair or service a vehicle. Always ask yourself, “Is this my best work?” Remember that everything “speaks” to our clients and everything you touch has your signature. Sign in bold ink! 
    5. Deliver Legendary Customer Service: Do the little things as well as the big things that blow people away. Create extraordinary experiences they’ll tell others about. Mere customer satisfaction is for lesser companies. Create loyalty by doing the unexpected.
    6. Be A Fanatic About Response Time: Our clients are the heart of our business. They expect quick responses in person, phone, email or text. Consistently update them. Prioritize their needs and strive to exceed their expectations by providing personalized attention, clear communication, and timely solutions. 
    7. Execute Workmanship: Take pride in your work and aim for excellence in every repair and service you perform. Utilize your expertise, continuous training, industry leading tools, and high-quality parts to deliver reliable and long-lasting solutions. If we cannot perform a quality repair that reflects our craftsmanship, we will not perform that repair or service. 
    8. Be performance driven: We appreciate effort, but we reward and celebrate results. Embrace accountability, metrics and challenging goals. Numbers are the best tools we have to know where we are and where we need to go. Holding ourselves accountable for results is a commitment to Denny’s Auto’s success and growth. 
    9. Go the extra mile: Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job…plus a little more! Whether it’s starting early, staying late or doing something that’s not in your job description, it’s the extra mile that separates the average person from the superstar. Be a superstar!
    10. Always be learning & growing: Ongoing personal and professional development is a requirement for individual growth as well as team growth. By continuously improving our skills, we can provide our clients with the best solutions for their vehicles and excellent customer service. Be at least 1% better than you were yesterday, every day. Never be satisfied with the status quo. 
    11. Take Responsibility (Extreme Ownership): Hold yourself responsible for your part in every situation you are in. Blaming others or making excuses is never acceptable.  There is no room for victims in a high-performance organization. Ask for what you need to be successful and take full responsibility for your success. 
    12. Follow the Denny’s Auto (ATI) way: Learn and develop best practices based on ATI and on our decades of experience. Adhering to these best practices and processes will generate consistent and successful results.
    13. Demonstrate passion for Denny’s Auto and our vision: Our clients call on us when they are feeling frustrated, afraid, or vulnerable with problems that need to be solved. Trust and convenience are the two things our clients want. Provide solutions by giving them peace of mind that comes from building trustworthy relationships and by making their experience as least inconvenient as possible. Connect people to what is important in their lives.
    14. Practice blameless problem-solving: Blame has no place at Denny’s Auto. Fix mistakes by focusing on solutions, not on whose fault it was. Mistakes are opportunities to get better and improve our processes. 
    15. Create Win/Win Solutions: Learn to think from the others’ perspective. Find a way to meet their needs while fulfilling your own. Win/win solutions are always effective and longer lasting than win/lose solutions. This is true within our organization as well as with our clients. 
    16. Embrace change: We are a growing business so change is a constant. Be inspired by both the challenges and the possibilities that change brings. Change is opportunity.
    17. Appearance counts: We all represent Denny’s Auto, so how we look and how we behave matters. Take pride in how you look as well as how you work. The appearance of the shop and office makes a statement about the quality of our work. Take responsibility to ensure that everything a client sees is clean, neat and professional. It is not someone else’s job, it’s everyone’s job.
    18. Exemplify Family Values: As a family-owned business,  prioritize and maintain strong family values. Create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere where clients feel comfortable and valued. Treat team members like family as well as our clients. 
    19. Engage in our communities: We actively support and give back to our local communities. Participate in community events, work with charitable causes and strive to be a positive force in the communities we serve.
    20. Be Process Oriented: Look to create processes for every aspect of your work, then turn them into habits to achieve consistent results. World Class organizations are built by implementing highly effective, repeatable processes. 
    21. Have a Positive Attitude: Our culture is one of positivity and accountability. Acknowledge others when they have wins and celebrate those wins together. Always lift each other up! Attitude is everything.
    22. Embrace innovation: We strive to improve all aspects of our business both as a team and as individuals. From management to interns, we constantly innovate new and better ways to serve our clients in every part of their experience.
    23. Be a Team Player – Put the team ahead of self. Work together with a growth mindset while creating a work environment that is positive allowing personal and professional growth. Goals are reached when we support each other. 
    24. Add Value  – Add value to every interaction inside and outside our business. Add value to every service and repair to the vehicle. Add value to our brand at every opportunity. Add value to the team, business, client and vehicles.
    25. Keep things fun: We spend the majority of our time with each other making Denny’s Auto the best it can be. When we stop having fun, we lose the passion, energy and enthusiasm to take care of our clients, our business and each other. Enjoying spending time together with plenty of laughter will keep us on track. Laugh every day! 


If you are looking for honest and reliable Draper Auto Repair, our team of mechanics are here to help! Here are links to some of our most popular auto services: Brake RepairOil Change. Give us a call for all of your auto servicing and preventative maintenance needs.

So if you are looking for a Auto Repair in Draper, UT, call us today to learn more about how we can help you.